Portland House Painters-Cascade Painting & Restoration

Interior residential painting in portland Oregon Cascade painting and restoration

House Painters in Greater Portland since 1988–Cascade Painting and Restoration

Interior House Painting and Exterior

Interior painting is a specialty. We realize interior painting can be a very delicate matter, especially when the residence is occupied and furnished. Neatness, professionalism, and consideration for the homeowners are the keys to an excellent interior painting project.

       As house painters for more than 30 years, Cascade takes all necessary steps  to protect not only the home and belongings, but also its residents and their pets. That is why we employ EPA-recommended lead-safe practices wherever needed and also use the latest in environmentally friendly, low-odor, and low-VOC paints and stains.

     In addition to painting, we can take care of everything from moving furniture, vacuuming, , and dusting. When we’re finished the only thing we leave behind is a great paint job and satisfied customers.

Interior Painting  Services Include:

Covering & protection of furnishing, property and non-paintable items/surfaces. Removal of Loose, Flaky and Unsound Paint. Proper  Preparation (Scraping, Sanding, Patching, Spackling, Glazing, Caulking.   Project Clean-Up at Completion.

Our favorite interior paints are Miller’s Evolution or Sherwin Williams Superpaint for the walls and Sherwin’s Proclassic or Kelly Moore’s Duropoxy for the trim.

Choosing the right colors is often hard.  Here is some good advice from ‘this Old house’ 

How to Choose the Right Colors for Your Rooms

Bold can be beautiful without being garish. Here’s how to give your home rich personality.

Aside from our extensive residential painting, we also do extensive

Commercial Painting in Portland and the surrounding cities.

Call or text 503-936-3255.

House painters Portland-Cascade Painting and Restoration
House Painting Portland-Cascade Painting and Restoration
Interior Painting Portland-Cascade Painting and Restoration