
Commercial Painting Contractors Portland Oregon-Cascade Painting and Restoration

Portland Oregon, Commercial Painting Contractors

Cascade Painting & Restoration

For our painting company, it’s been a very busy year, doing not only our normal load of house painting, but also many diverse projects in regards to commercial painting in Portland and the surrounding cities.

It all boils down to us doing the best , most long lasting jobs, that we can provide.

House painting still makes up for the majority of our painting endeavors, both exterior and interior painting.  On the other hand, we derive a lot of satisfaction from our painting of dozens of commercial painting projects.  We continue to do many of Portland State’s projects that are over and above what their painting staff can handle.  Also we continue to work with companies that are fixing up areas at the Portland airport. Southwestern, United and Alaska.  Over the years we have also done many industrial painting projects.

We strive to provide the best paints for the right circumstances.  Sherwin Williams is still our most recommended paint. They’re the oldest, the largest, and we feel the best company as far as research and development, so overall, they provide the best paints and painting products.products .We also use , depending on the circumstance a lot of Benjamin Moore Paints, as well as well as, more recently PPG products  distributed by Miller Paints.

Its all in finding the best paint product to do the best job for a particular situation. Miller paints is unique in that they carry high end paints from various companies. Not only PP&G paints, but Miller Paint , an employee owned store,  also carries paint  from Kelly Moore, a company with great paints that no longer has stores here in the Portland area.

Like most things in life, it boils down to the Golden Rule, and we, at Cascade strive to fulfill that. Check out our 37 five star reviews on Google and you will see that.

Please check out Cascade’s Face book page for further updates.- or our many posts on Blogger.

Please call or text 503-936-3255 for a free consultation and estimate for any of your house painting, commercial painting, exterior or interior painting needs.

Commercial Painting Contractors Portland Cascade Painting and Restoration
Commercial Painters Portland-Cascade Painting and Restoration
Commercial Painting Contractors Portland Oregon-Cascade Painting and Restoration