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Service Area:

Portland, Oregon & the surrounding metro area

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Add your contact and project information below, and we’ll reach out to you to schedule a project walk through. We try to return questions within 24-48 hours. For immediate response, you’re always welcome to call, text or email us.

503-936-3255 |

  • Interior Painting Portland | Cascade Painting & Restoration
  • Painting contractors Portland Cascade Painting and restoration
  • Painting contractors Portland Cascade Painting and restoration
  • Painting contractors Portland Cascade Painting and restoration
  • Painting Contractors Portland Cascade Painting and Restoration

Cascade Painting and Restoration Services

Businesses, tenant improvements, schools, offices, factories and warehouses – we do it all! Cascade Painting and Restoration is a trusted partner for many Portland general contractors. We understand that scope, schedule and budget wins all, and work with you to keep clients happy.

Cascade Painting and Restoration has been painting homes since 1988. We have seen it all, and we’re always happy to provide suggestions to meet your schedule and budget. We don’t leave the project until clients are satisfied with the results!

We offer a variety of minor carpentry services such as trim and baseboard installation or repair. We can stain, refinish, or paint existing casework, cabintry, and trim work.

We work with insurance companies to repair water and fire damage. We can patch, repair and texturize drywall to ensure everything is properly restored to like new condition.

We carry a 1 million dollar insurance liability policy and a $20,000 bond for the homeowner’s protection, though we’ve never had to use them.

Oregon CCB license # 178222.

We primarily work in the Portland metro area, but we have projects all across Oregon. Please give us a call to discuss your specific project type and location.